Searched for quia in the dictionary.
Swedish: eftersom, att
quia Latin | |
Swedish | eftersom, att |
qua Italian | |
Swedish | här |
qui Italian | |
Swedish | här |
qui Latin | |
Swedish | någon |
qui French | |
Swedish | vem, som |
quae Latin | |
Swedish | som, dessa |
que Portuguese | |
German | welche, welcher, welches, was |
qoui French | |
German | was |
quoi French | |
Swedish | vad, alltså |
quoi? French | |
Swedish | vad? |
que French | |
Swedish | som, vad, än, att |
queu English | |
Swedish | kö |
quo Latin | |
Swedish | vart, dit |
que? Spanish | |
Swedish | vad? |
qué Spanish | |
Swedish | vilket, vilken, vilka, vad |
que Spanish | |
Swedish | som, vad, att, vilket |
quey English | |
Swedish | kaj |
quay English | |
German | Kai, Uferstraße |
Swedish | kaj, tilläggsplats för båtar |
Quoi? French | |
Swedish | Va?, Vad? |
-que Latin | |
Swedish | och |
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