Searched for rusticity in the dictionary.
Swedish: lantlighet
rusticity English | |
Swedish | lantlighet |
rusticate English | |
Swedish | bo på landet |
rustic English | |
Swedish | lantbo, lantlig |
rusttijd Dutch | |
Czech | doba odpočinku |
Danish | hviletid |
English | rest period |
Finnish | lepoaika |
French | temps de repos |
German | Ruhezeit |
Greek | χρόvoς αvάπαυσης |
Hungarian | pihenőidő |
Italian | riposo |
Latvian | atpūtas laiks |
Polish | czas wolny od pracy |
Portuguese | tempo de descanso |
Slovenian | odmor |
Spanish | tiempo de descanso |
Swedish | vila |
restock English | |
Swedish | fylla på lagret |
riktigt Swedish | |
English | real, truly, properly, really, quite, right, accurate, proper |
Finnish | oikein |
German | echt |
Italian | proprio |
Russian | верно, правильно |
Spanish | verdadero, bien |
rigtigt Danish | |
English | true |
rostig German | |
Croatian | hrđav |
rostig Swedish | |
English | rusty |
riktigt English | |
Swedish | truly |
rights English | |
Swedish | rättigheter |
rests English | |
Spanish | descansa |
Swedish | vilar |
rachitic English | |
German | rachitisch |
riktig Swedish | |
English | proper, real, correct, accurate, true, rightful, serious, quite |
French | vraie, vrai, adéquat, adéquate |
Latin | verus, verum, vera |
rechts German | |
English | to the right, right |
Norwegian | høyre |
Swedish | höger, till höger |
Ruecksitz German | |
English | backseat |
rijtijd Dutch | |
Czech | doba řízení |
Danish | køretid |
English | driving period |
Finnish | ajoaika |
French | durée de la conduite |
German | Lenkzeit |
Greek | διάρκεια oδήγησης |
Hungarian | vezetési idő |
Italian | tempo di guida |
Latvian | transportlīdzekļa vadīšanas periods |
Polish | okres prowadzenia pojazdu |
Portuguese | tempo de condução |
Slovenian | trajanje vožnje |
Spanish | duración de la conducción |
Swedish | körtid |
riktig Norwegian | |
German | richtig |
richtig German | |
Dutch | juist, goed |
English | true, proper |
Finnish | oikein |
Norwegian | riktig |
Swedish | rätt |
rachitis English | |
German | Rachitis |
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