
Searched for säckpipa in the dictionary.
English: bagpipe, bagpipes

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

säckpipa Swedish

Englishbagpipe, bagpipes

säckpipe- Swedish


säga pip Swedish

Englishgo bleep

sopiva Finnish

Germangeeignet, günstig

svepa Swedish

Englishsweep, drink straight down, dress, wrap, shroud

spy upp Swedish


spava Croatian

Germaner schläft

sopa upp Swedish


sopa av Swedish


spoof English

Swedishskoja med, lura, narra, skoj, spratt, skämtsam

save up English

Swedishspara till, spara, spara ihop

shape up English

Swedishskärpa sig, kom i form