särskild ledighet

Searched for särskild ledighet in the dictionary.
English: special leave, German: Sonderurlaub, French: congé spécial, Spanish: excedencia especial, Italian: congedo straordinario, Greek: ειδική άδεια

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

särskild ledighet Swedish

Czechzvláštní dovolená
Danishsærlig orlov
Dutchbuitengewoon verlof
Englishspecial leave
Finnisherityinen loma
Frenchcongé spécial
Greekειδική άδεια
Hungarianrendkívüli szabadság
Italiancongedo straordinario
Latvianīpašs atvaļinājums
Polishurlop szczególny
Portugueselicença especial
Slovenianizredni dopust
Spanishexcedencia especial

särskild behörighet Swedish

Englishspecific eligibility requirements

särskilt mycket Swedish
