Searched for secrètement in the dictionary.
secrètement French | |
Swedish | hemligt |
secretive English | |
Swedish | hemlighetsfull, tystlåten |
secretariat English | |
Swedish | sekretariat |
secrete English | |
Swedish | gömma |
secretion English | |
Swedish | avsöndring |
sekretessen Swedish | |
German | das Amtsgeheimnis |
secret sign English | |
Swedish | hemligt tecken |
sacred text English | |
Czech | svatý text |
Danish | hellig skrift |
Dutch | heilige boeken |
Finnish | pyhät kirjat |
French | texte sacré |
German | Heilige Schrift |
Greek | ιερό βιβλίo |
Hungarian | szentírás |
Italian | testo sacro |
Latvian | sakrālais teksts |
Polish | księga święta |
Portuguese | texto sagrado |
Slovenian | sveti spisi |
Spanish | texto sagrado |
Swedish | helig skrift |
secretly English | |
Swedish | i hemlighet |
sekreteraren Swedish | |
English | clerk, the secretary |
French | la secrétaire |
German | die Sekretärin |
Spanish | la secretaria |
secret English | |
Swedish | hemlighet, hemlig, hemligt |
secret French | |
Swedish | hemlig |
secret love English | |
Swedish | hemlig kärlek |
secreto Spanish | |
Swedish | hemlighet, hemlig |
sekretess Swedish | |
English | confidentiality |
German | Amtsgeheimnis |
sekretariat Swedish | |
English | secretariat |
sekreterare Swedish | |
English | secretary |
French | secrétaire, sécrétaire |
Russian | секретарь |
Slovenian | tajnik, tajnica |
secretary English | |
Swedish | sekreterare, säkreterare |
secret ballot English | |
Czech | tajné hlasování |
Danish | hemmelig stemmeafgivning |
Dutch | geheime stemming |
Finnish | salainen äänestys |
French | vote secret |
German | geheime Wahl |
Greek | μυστική ψηφoφoρία |
Hungarian | titkos szavazás |
Italian | voto segreto |
Latvian | aizklāta balsošana |
Polish | głosowanie tajne |
Portuguese | voto secreto |
Slovenian | tajno glasovanje |
Spanish | voto secreto |
Swedish | sluten omröstning |
secret motive English | |
Swedish | baktanke |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.