siderurgisch product
Searched for siderurgisch product in the dictionary.
English: iron and steel product, German: Erzeugnis der Eisen- und Stahlindustrie, French: produit sidérurgique, Spanish: producto siderúrgico, Italian: prodotto siderurgico
siderurgisch product Dutch | |
Czech | hutnický výrobek |
Danish | stålprodukt |
English | iron and steel product |
Finnish | rauta- ja terästuote |
French | produit sidérurgique |
German | Erzeugnis der Eisen- und Stahlindustrie |
Greek | πρoϊόvτα χαλυβoυργίας |
Hungarian | vas- és acéltermékek |
Italian | prodotto siderurgico |
Latvian | dzelzs un tērauda izstrādājums |
Polish | produkt hutniczy |
Portuguese | produto siderúrgico |
Slovenian | železni in jekleni izdelki |
Spanish | producto siderúrgico |
Swedish | järn- och stålprodukt |