Searched for sodass in the dictionary.
English: so that
sodass German | |
English | so that |
so dass German | |
Norwegian | slik at, så at |
sods Latvian | |
Czech | trestní sankce |
Danish | strafferetlig sanktion |
Dutch | strafsanctie |
English | penalty |
Finnish | seuraamus |
French | sanction pénale |
German | Strafmaßnahme |
Greek | πoιvική κύρωση |
Hungarian | büntetés |
Italian | sanzione penale |
Polish | kara |
Portuguese | sanção penal |
Slovenian | kazenska sankcija |
Spanish | sanción penal |
Swedish | påföljd |
stuss Swedish | |
Finnish | takamus, takapuoli |
seats English | |
Swedish | platser, stolar, säten |
sats Swedish | |
English | sentence, batch, clause |
suds English | |
Swedish | såplödder |
stash English | |
Swedish | undanstoppa, stoppa undan, gömma undan |
sides English | |
Swedish | sidor |
scads English | |
Swedish | massor av pengar |
stays English | |
Swedish | korsett |
squads English | |
Swedish | grupper |
skadas Swedish | |
English | get hurt |
French | s'abîmer |
sodík Czech | |
Danish | natrium |
Dutch | natrium |
English | sodium |
Finnish | natrium |
French | sodium |
German | Natrium |
Greek | vάτριo |
Hungarian | nátrium |
Italian | sodio |
Latvian | nātrijs |
Polish | sód |
Portuguese | sódio |
Slovenian | natrij |
Spanish | sodio |
Swedish | natrium |
sweats English | |
Swedish | träningsoverall |
seduce English | |
Swedish | förföra |
stag English | |
Swedish | hjorthane |
seeds English | |
Hungarian | magok |
Swedish | utsäde, frön |
sticks English | |
Swedish | stavar, klubbor |
stack English | |
Swedish | stapla, trave, skorsten, hög |
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