Searched for spelautomat in the dictionary.
English: slot-machine, slot machine
spelautomat Swedish | |
English | slot-machine, slot machine |
spelautomater Swedish | |
English | fruit machines |
speelautomaat Dutch | |
Czech | automatická hra |
Danish | automatisk spil |
English | automatic game |
Finnish | peliautomaatti |
French | jeu automatique |
German | automatisiertes Spiel |
Greek | αυτόματα παιχvίδια |
Hungarian | elektronikus játék |
Italian | gioco automatico |
Latvian | spēļu automāts |
Polish | gra automatyczna |
Portuguese | jogo automático |
Slovenian | elektronska igra |
Spanish | juego automático |
Swedish | automatspel |
splittrat Swedish | |
English | shattered |
spela teater Swedish | |
English | act |
German | Teater spielen |
spela dum Swedish | |
Spanish | hacerse el bobo |
spela ut Swedish | |
English | outplay |
speldosa Swedish | |
English | music box |
Japanese | orugoru |
spill out English | |
Swedish | rinna ut |
splatter English | |
Swedish | stänka ner, stänka |
splutter English | |
Swedish | spotta, sluddra, spotta och fräsa, fräsa |
splat English | |
Swedish | smack |
spela tennis Swedish | |
French | jouer au tennis |
German | Tennis spielen |
Spanish | jugar al tenis |
splittrar Swedish | |
English | break up |
splittras Swedish | |
English | split, shatter, split up |
spelade in Swedish | |
English | recorded |
spelet Swedish | |
German | das Spiel |
splittra Swedish | |
English | shatter, split, splinter, disrupt |
spela trummor Swedish | |
French | jouer de la batterie |
Spanish | tocar como batería |
spilta Swedish | |
English | stall |
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