Searched for spot-check in the dictionary.
Swedish: stickprov på
spot-check English | |
Swedish | stickprov på |
spot check English | |
Swedish | stickprov |
spotsk Swedish | |
English | scornful |
spetsighet Swedish | |
French | acuité |
soft cheese English | |
Czech | měkký sýr |
Danish | blød ost |
Dutch | zachte kaas |
Finnish | pehmeä juusto |
French | fromage à pâte molle |
German | Weichkäse |
Greek | μαλακό τυρί |
Hungarian | lágy sajt |
Italian | formaggio a pasta morbida |
Latvian | mīkstais siers |
Polish | ser miękki |
Portuguese | queijo de pasta mole |
Slovenian | mehki sir |
Spanish | queso de pasta blanda |
Swedish | mjuk ost |
spydighet Swedish | |
English | quip |
spottkopp Swedish | |
English | cuspidor |
spetsen Swedish | |
English | apex |
spots English | |
Spanish | granos |
Swedish | platser, prickar, finnar, fläckar, får syn på |
spatsera Swedish | |
English | saunter |
saftighet Swedish | |
English | juiciness |
Spitzer German | |
Swedish | pennvässare |
spätestens German | |
English | at the latest |
Swedish | senast |
Spitze German | |
English | lace, tip, toe, top |
spitz German | |
Croatian | oštar |
spettacolo Italian | |
Swedish | föreställning |
sabotages English | |
German | Sabotagen |
sabotaged English | |
German | sabotiert |
spit second English | |
Swedish | bråkdels sekund |
sabotaget Swedish | |
German | die Sabotage |
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