steun aan de landbouw
Searched for steun aan de landbouw in the dictionary.
English: aid to agriculture, German: Agrarbeihilfe, French: aide à l'agriculture, Spanish: ayuda a la agricultura, Italian: sostegno agricolo, Greek: γεωργικές εvισχύσεις
steun aan de landbouw Dutch | |
Czech | podpora zemědělství |
Danish | landbrugsstøtte |
English | aid to agriculture |
Finnish | maataloustuki |
French | aide à l'agriculture |
German | Agrarbeihilfe |
Greek | γεωργικές εvισχύσεις |
Hungarian | mezőgazdasági támogatás |
Italian | sostegno agricolo |
Latvian | lauksaimniecības atbalsts |
Polish | pomoc dla rolnictwa |
Portuguese | ajuda à agricultura |
Slovenian | pomoč kmetijstvu |
Spanish | ayuda a la agricultura |
Swedish | jordbruksstöd |
steun aan de markt Dutch | |
Czech | podpora trhu |
Danish | markedsstøtte |
English | market support |
Finnish | markkinatuki |
French | soutien du marché |
German | Marktstützung |
Greek | στήριξη της αγoράς |
Hungarian | piactámogatás |
Italian | sostegno del mercato |
Latvian | tirgus atbalstīšana |
Polish | wspieranie rynku |
Portuguese | apoio do mercado |
Slovenian | tržna podpora |
Spanish | sostenimiento del mercado |
Swedish | marknadsstöd |