sträcka ut sin hand

Searched for sträcka ut sin hand in the dictionary.
Latin: mamum porrigere

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

sträcka ut sin hand Swedish

Latinmamum porrigere

sträcka ut sin hand Swedish

Latinmanum porrigere

sträcka ut sig på Swedish

Englishstretch out on

sträcka ut sig Swedish

Englishstretch out, extend

sträcka ut handen Swedish

Englishreach out

sträcka ut armen Swedish

Englishstretch an arm
Frenchtendre un bras
Germaneinen Arm strecken

sträcka ut fram Swedish

Englishreach out

sträka ut sig Swedish

Englishreach out