Searched for strömmen in the dictionary.
German: der Strom
strömmen Swedish | |
German | der Strom |
strömen German | |
English | stream, escape |
strömming Swedish | |
English | Baltic herring |
strömma Swedish | |
English | surge, rush, pour, stream, flow |
strö med Swedish | |
English | sprinkle |
strömmar Swedish | |
English | currents |
strömoln Swedish | |
Spanish | borregos |
strömma in Swedish | |
French | affluer |
stören German | |
English | upset |
Finnish | häiritä |
Spanish | perturbar |
Swedish | störa |
ström Swedish | |
English | current, electrify, shower, torrent, flow, spate, stream |
stranden French | |
Swedish | la plage |
Strömung German | |
English | current |
strampeln German | |
English | kick |
stramm German | |
English | tight |
strömma ut Swedish | |
English | escape |
strimma Swedish | |
English | vein, whisp, stripe, trail, streak, weal |
French | zébrure |
stormen Swedish | |
English | the storm |
French | la tempête |
German | der Sturm |
stränder Swedish | |
English | beaches |
Italian | spiagge |
Spanish | playas |
streamer English | |
Swedish | vimpel, remsa |
strömkrets Swedish | |
English | electrical circuit |
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