Searched for supersnabb in the dictionary.
English: superfast
supersnabb Swedish | |
English | superfast |
supersale English | |
Swedish | jätterea |
superstrada Italian | |
Czech | magistrála |
Danish | motortrafikvej |
Dutch | autosnelweg |
English | expressway |
Finnish | moottoriliikennetie |
French | voie express |
German | Schnellstraße |
Greek | oδός ταχείας κυκλoφoρίας |
Hungarian | gyorsforgalmi út |
Latvian | ātrgaitas automaģistrāle |
Polish | droga ekspresowa |
Portuguese | via rápida |
Slovenian | hitra cesta |
Spanish | autovía |
Swedish | motortrafikled |
supersede English | |
Swedish | ersätta |
super save English | |
Swedish | jättespartillfälle |
supersonic English | |
Swedish | överljuds- |
super sale English | |
Swedish | stor rea, jätterea, superrea |
supergeil German | |
Swedish | superbra |
sparsam German | |
English | economical, economically |
sparsam Swedish | |
English | frugal, economical |
supergott Swedish | |
Japanese | oishii |
super size English | |
Swedish | största storleken |
sparslant Swedish | |
English | nest-egg |
superstyrka Swedish | |
English | super strength |
superkid English | |
Swedish | stålgrabben |
spurs English | |
Swedish | sporrar |
spears English | |
Swedish | spjut |
sparsely English | |
Swedish | gles, glest |
suppress English | |
Swedish | förbjuda, kväsa, undertrycka, hålla nere, tysta ner |
sparse English | |
Swedish | tunnsådd, gles, glest |
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