Searched for tailsman in the dictionary.
Swedish: mottagare
tailsman English | |
Swedish | mottagare |
talesman Swedish | |
English | spokesman |
tallsammans Swedish | |
English | between us |
tilgen German | |
English | delete |
toilsome English | |
Swedish | mödosam |
tillsyn Swedish | |
English | supervison, supervision, surveillance |
tllsammans Swedish | |
German | zusammen |
tolken Dutch | |
Czech | tlumočení |
Danish | tolkning |
English | interpreting |
Finnish | tulkkaus |
French | interprétation |
German | Dolmetschen |
Greek | διερμηvεία |
Hungarian | tolmácsolás |
Italian | interpretazione |
Latvian | sinhronā tulkošana |
Polish | tłumaczenie symultaniczne |
Portuguese | interpretação |
Slovenian | tolmačenje |
Spanish | interpretación |
Swedish | tolkning |
talcum English | |
Swedish | talk |
talking English | |
Swedish | samtalande, att prata |
tillsammans Swedish | |
English | together, altogether |
French | ensemble, ensamble |
German | zusammen, gemeinsam |
Italian | insieme |
Japanese | いっしょに |
Russian | вместе |
Slovenian | skupaj |
Spanish | juntos, junto, junt, junta, juntas, conjuntamente, en común |
tillsynes Swedish | |
English | seemingly |
theologian English | |
Swedish | teolog |
tolkning Swedish | |
Czech | tlumočení |
Danish | tolkning |
Dutch | tolken |
English | rendition, interpretation, interpreting |
Finnish | tulkkaus |
French | interprétation |
German | Dolmetschen |
Greek | διερμηvεία |
Hungarian | tolmácsolás |
Italian | interpretazione |
Latvian | sinhronā tulkošana |
Polish | tłumaczenie symultaniczne |
Portuguese | interpretação |
Slovenian | tolmačenje |
Spanish | interpretación |
tolkning Danish | |
Czech | tlumočení |
Dutch | tolken |
English | interpreting |
Finnish | tulkkaus |
French | interprétation |
German | Dolmetschen |
Greek | διερμηvεία |
Hungarian | tolmácsolás |
Italian | interpretazione |
Latvian | sinhronā tulkošana |
Polish | tłumaczenie symultaniczne |
Portuguese | interpretação |
Slovenian | tolmačenje |
Spanish | interpretación |
Swedish | tolkning |
tillgång Swedish | |
English | asset, supply, access, resource |
French | accès, actif |
German | Aktivposten |
Swedish | access |
tillägna Swedish | |
English | dedicate |
tillägnan Swedish | |
German | die Widmung |
talìjanski Croatian | |
Swedish | italiensk |
talking-to English | |
Swedish | åthutning |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.