take a turn
Searched for take a turn in the dictionary.
Swedish: hjälpa till ett tag med
take a turn English | |
Swedish | hjälpa till ett tag med |
take turns English | |
Swedish | turas om |
take drugs English | |
Swedish | missbruka droger |
take a turn with English | |
Swedish | hjälpa till ett tag med |
taciturn English | |
Swedish | fåordig, tystlåten |
take turns to English | |
Swedish | turas om att |
take to heart English | |
Swedish | ta till sig |
texture English | |
Swedish | konsistens, struktur |
the story English | |
Swedish | historien |
the storm English | |
Swedish | stormen |
teakträ Swedish | |
English | teak |
tchatter French | |
Swedish | chatta |
to chatter English | |
Spanish | castañetear |
the stairs English | |
French | les escaliers |
Swedish | trappan |
tuck store English | |
Swedish | godisaffär |
tester English | |
Swedish | provare |
the guitar English | |
Swedish | gitarren |
testers English | |
Swedish | testare |
testare Swedish | |
English | testers |
the ashtray English | |
Swedish | askkoppen |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.