take it easy
Searched for take it easy in the dictionary.
Swedish: ta det lugnt, ta det lungt
take it easy English | |
Swedish | ta det lugnt, ta det lungt |
Take it easy! English | |
Swedish | Ta det lugnt! |
take this English | |
Swedish | stå ut med det här |
take its toll English | |
Swedish | kräva sitt offer |
tako tako Croatian | |
German | so lala |
the steak English | |
Swedish | steken |
two cities English | |
Swedish | två städer |
te quedas Spanish | |
Swedish | du stannar kvar |
te quitas Spanish | |
Swedish | du tar av dig |
tastes English | |
Swedish | smakar |
taktegel Swedish | |
English | rooftile |
testes English | |
Swedish | testiklar |
take a degree English | |
Swedish | avlägga examen |
taktiker Swedish | |
English | tactician |
take to court English | |
Swedish | dra inför rätta, stämma inför domstol |
taktstreck Swedish | |
Spanish | barra |
tagit slut Swedish | |
English | run out |
taktisk Swedish | |
English | tactical |
the suitcase English | |
Swedish | resväskan |