Searched for tastefull in the dictionary.
Swedish: smakfull
tastefull English | |
Swedish | smakfull |
tasteful English | |
Swedish | smakfull |
taktfull Swedish | |
English | tactful |
tactful English | |
Swedish | grannlaga, taktfull |
testfile English | |
Swedish | testfil |
testfil Swedish | |
English | testfile |
taktfast Swedish | |
English | measured |
textfile English | |
Swedish | textfil |
test-tube English | |
Swedish | provrör |
testify English | |
Swedish | intyga, vittna |
testfiles English | |
Swedish | testfiler |
textfil Swedish | |
English | textfile |
testfiler Swedish | |
English | testfiles |
taktfullhet Swedish | |
English | tactfulness |
textbild Swedish | |
English | text-screen |
taktpinne Swedish | |
English | baton |
Spanish | batuta |
taktopp Swedish | |
English | rooftop |
tactfulness English | |
Swedish | taktfullhet |
taste bitter English | |
Swedish | smaka beskt, smaka bittert |
thoughtful English | |
Swedish | fundersam, eftertänksam, omtänksam, tankfull |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.