the danger
Searched for the danger in the dictionary.
Swedish: faran
the danger English | |
Swedish | faran |
the dancer English | |
Swedish | dansaren |
the donkey English | |
Swedish | åsnan |
the tongue English | |
Swedish | tungan |
tu danses French | |
Swedish | du dansar |
the thing English | |
Swedish | grejen |
the Thames English | |
Swedish | Themsen, Temsen |
tetanus English | |
Swedish | stelkramp |
tetanus Latin | |
Swedish | stelkramp |
tidings English | |
Swedish | budskap, nyheter |
the thing is English | |
Swedish | saken är den, saken är den att |
tuteanos Spanish | |
Swedish | dua oss |
tidying English | |
Swedish | städa, att städa |
tiedonhaku Finnish | |
Czech | konzultování informace |
Danish | informationskonsultation |
Dutch | raadpleging van informatie |
English | consultation of information |
French | consultation d'information |
German | Abruf von Information |
Greek | εvημερωτική διαβoύλευση |
Hungarian | információk megismerése |
Italian | consultazione di informazioni |
Latvian | informācijas sniegšana |
Polish | doradztwo informacyjne |
Portuguese | consulta da informação |
Slovenian | uporaba informacij |
Spanish | consulta de información |
Swedish | informationstjänster |
tietenkin Finnish | |
Swedish | naturligtvis |
titanic English | |
Swedish | jättelik |
tidnik Sami | |
Swedish | tidning |