the fence
Searched for the fence in the dictionary.
Swedish: staketet
the fence English | |
Swedish | staketet |
the finger English | |
Swedish | fingret |
the pencil English | |
Swedish | blyertspennan |
the pins English | |
Swedish | käglorna |
te peinas Spanish | |
Swedish | du kammar dig |
the funniest English | |
Swedish | roligast |
te pones Spanish | |
Swedish | du klär på dig |
tu finis French | |
Swedish | du slutar |
tu viens French | |
Swedish | du kommer |
tvingen Swedish | |
English | the vice |
French | l'étau |
German | der Schraubstock |
tvingande Swedish | |
English | imperative |
Spanish | apremiante |
top bunk English | |
Swedish | översäng, överslaf |
tvungen Swedish | |
English | forced, obliged, constrained |
tuffing Swedish | |
English | badass, hard guy |
Spanish | gallito |
the vinegar English | |
Swedish | vinägern |
tu punis French | |
Swedish | du straffar |
TV news English | |
Swedish | TV-nyheter |
the funny side English | |
Swedish | det roliga i det |
topping English | |
Swedish | tillbehör, fyllning |
tvång Swedish | |
English | coersion, obligation, constraint |
Finnish | pakko |
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