the home
Searched for the home in the dictionary.
Swedish: hemmet
the home English | |
Swedish | hemmet |
the one English | |
Swedish | den, den enda |
the hem English | |
Swedish | fållen |
the ham English | |
Swedish | skinkan |
the wine English | |
Swedish | vinet |
theme English | |
Swedish | grundtanke, tema |
tome English | |
Swedish | stor bok |
thème French | |
Swedish | tema |
tome Spanish | |
Swedish | tar |
ta om Swedish | |
English | repeat |
tenho Portuguese | |
German | ich habe |
thyme English | |
Swedish | timjan |
ta hem Swedish | |
English | claim |
the UN English | |
Swedish | FN |
te amo Spanish | |
German | ich liebe dich |
Swedish | jag älskar dig |
them English | |
German | ihnen, Sie |
Swedish | dem, den |
then English | |
Czech | pak, potom |
German | da, damals, dann, also, danach |
Japanese | jaa, じゃ |
Croatian | onda |
Spanish | luego |
Swedish | då, sedan, sen |
tone English | |
German | Ton |
Swedish | ton |
tenue Spanish | |
Swedish | svagt |
Thema German | |
English | subject, topic |
Finnish | aihe |
Norwegian | tema |
Swedish | tema |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.