the ride
Searched for the ride in the dictionary.
Swedish: åkturen
the ride English | |
Swedish | åkturen |
the rat English | |
Swedish | råttan |
the road English | |
Swedish | vägen |
the 3rd English | |
Czech | třetí |
ter de Portuguese | |
German | müssen |
tarde French | |
Swedish | sent |
the herd English | |
Swedish | flocken |
torrid English | |
Swedish | förbränd |
thereto English | |
Swedish | därtill, dit |
the yard English | |
Swedish | gården |
to write English | |
Japanese | 書く |
the word English | |
Swedish | ordet |
trade English | |
German | Geschäft, Gewerbe, Handel, handeln, Markt |
Swedish | byta, handel, yrke, näring, bransch, fack, näringslivet, affärer, handla |
third English | |
Estonian | kolm |
German | dritt, dritte, dritter |
Swedish | tredje, tredjedel |
trite English | |
Swedish | banal |
tarde Spanish | |
Norwegian | sent |
Swedish | eftermiddag, sent, sen |
torde Swedish | |
English | ought |
tarde Portuguese | |
German | Nachmittag, früher Abend |
trettio Swedish | |
Czech | třicet |
English | thirty |
French | trente |
German | dreißig |
Italian | trenta |
Japanese | san jyu |
Persian | si |
Russian | тридцать |
Slovenian | trideset |
Spanish | treinta |
Turkish | otuz |
tortue French | |
Swedish | sköldpadda |
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