the roof
Searched for the roof in the dictionary.
Swedish: taket
the roof English | |
Swedish | taket |
thereof English | |
Swedish | därom, därav |
therapy English | |
Swedish | terapi |
the RAF English | |
Swedish | brittiska flygvapnet |
tear off English | |
Swedish | slita av, slita loss, slita ur, slita av sig, sliter loss |
tore off English | |
Swedish | slet av sig, rev av |
throb English | |
Swedish | bulta, slag |
thereby English | |
Swedish | därigenom, därvid |
troop English | |
Swedish | manskap, marschera, skara, tropp, trupp, skock, knalla iväg |
tropp Swedish | |
English | troop |
terrify English | |
Swedish | skrämma, förfära, förskräcka |
turf English | |
Swedish | tät gräsmatta, torv, grästorv, torva, hästkapplöpningsbana, hästsport |
tariff English | |
Swedish | taxa, tulltaxa |
tow-rope English | |
Swedish | bogserlina |
trop French | |
Swedish | alltför, för, för mycket |
tear up English | |
Swedish | riva sönder |
terapi Swedish | |
Czech | léčba |
Danish | terapi |
Dutch | geneeswijze |
English | therapy, therapeutics |
Finnish | hoito |
French | thérapeutique |
German | Therapeutik |
Greek | θεραπευτική |
Hungarian | terapeutika |
Italian | terapeutica |
Latvian | terapija |
Polish | leczenie |
Portuguese | terapêutica |
Slovenian | terapija |
Spanish | terapéutica |
thrive English | |
Swedish | frodas, trivas, blomstra, lyckas bra, blomstrar, blomsta |
tariff Swedish | |
English | rate |
trevo Portuguese | |
Czech | jetel |
Danish | kløver |
Dutch | klaver |
English | clover |
Finnish | apila |
French | trèfle |
German | Klee |
Greek | τριφύλλι |
Hungarian | lóhere |
Italian | trifoglio |
Latvian | āboliņš |
Polish | koniczyna |
Slovenian | detelja |
Spanish | trébol |
Swedish | klöver |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.