the seasons
Searched for the seasons in the dictionary.
Swedish: årstiderna
the seasons English | |
Swedish | årstiderna |
the second English | |
Swedish | sekunden |
the Saxons English | |
Swedish | Saxarna, saxarna |
taxezon Swedish | |
Czech | tarifní zóna |
Danish | tarifzone |
Dutch | tariefzone |
English | tariff zone |
Finnish | tariffivyöhyke |
French | zone tarifaire |
German | Tarifzone |
Greek | δασμoλoγική ζώvη |
Hungarian | díjövezet |
Italian | zona tariffaria |
Latvian | tarifa zona |
Polish | strefa taryfowa |
Portuguese | zona tarifária |
Slovenian | tarifno območje |
Spanish | zona de tarificación |
tjejen Swedish | |
Italian | la ragazza |
ta sig an Swedish | |
French | adopter |
this is not English | |
Swedish | det här är inte |
this isn't English | |
Swedish | det här är inte |
the chicken English | |
Swedish | kycklingen |
the zucchini English | |
Swedish | zucchinin |
tiesiskums Latvian | |
Czech | právní stát |
Danish | retsstat |
Dutch | rechtsstaat |
English | rule of law |
Finnish | oikeusvaltio |
French | État de droit |
German | Rechtsstaat |
Greek | κράτoς δικαίoυ |
Hungarian | jogállamiság |
Italian | Stato di diritto |
Polish | państwo prawne |
Portuguese | Estado de Direito |
Slovenian | pravna država |
Spanish | Estado de Derecho |
Swedish | rättsstat |