the socket
Searched for the socket in the dictionary.
Swedish: eluttaget
the socket English | |
Swedish | eluttaget |
the sister English | |
Swedish | systern |
the coast English | |
Swedish | kusten |
the chest English | |
Swedish | byrån |
the accused English | |
Swedish | den anklagade |
take stock English | |
Swedish | inventera |
the gist English | |
Swedish | innebörden |
the highest English | |
Swedish | högst, det högsta |
tea chest English | |
Swedish | telåda |
the exhaust English | |
Swedish | avgasröret |
tax system English | |
Czech | daňová soustava |
Danish | skatteforhold |
Dutch | fiscaliteit |
Finnish | verojärjestelmä |
French | fiscalité |
German | Steuerwesen |
Greek | φoρoλoγία |
Hungarian | adórendszer |
Italian | fiscalità |
Latvian | nodokļu sistēma |
Polish | system podatkowy |
Portuguese | fiscalidade |
Slovenian | davčni sistem |
Spanish | fiscalidad |
Swedish | skattesystem |
to succeed English | |
Swedish | att lyckas |
ta sig ut Swedish | |
English | get out |
te gusta Spanish | |
Swedish | du tycker om, du gillar |
te acuestas Spanish | |
Swedish | du lägger dig |
tekokuitu Finnish | |
Czech | syntetické vlákno |
Danish | kunsttekstil |
Dutch | synthetische stof |
English | man-made fibre |
French | textile synthétique |
German | Synthesefaser |
Greek | ύφασμα από συvθετικά vήματα |
Hungarian | szintetikus rostszál |
Italian | fibra tessile sintetica |
Latvian | ķīmiskā šķiedra |
Polish | włókno sztuczne |
Portuguese | têxtil sintético |
Slovenian | sintetično vlakno |
Spanish | textil sintético |
Swedish | syntetfiber |
the customers English | |
Swedish | kunderna |
tjugoett Swedish | |
English | twentyone, twenty-one |
French | vingt-et-un, vingt et un |
German | einundzwanzig |
Italian | ventuno |
Japanese | ni jyu ichi |
Russian | двадцать один |
Spanish | veintiuno |
two sisters English | |
Swedish | två systrar |
takes out English | |
Spanish | saca |
Swedish | tar fram |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.