the spring
Searched for the spring in the dictionary.
Swedish: våren
the spring English | |
Swedish | våren |
the sparrow English | |
Swedish | sparven |
the sport English | |
Swedish | sporten |
taksprång Swedish | |
English | eaves |
toespraak Dutch | |
Czech | projev |
Danish | tale |
English | speech |
Finnish | puhe |
French | discours |
German | Rede |
Greek | λόγoς |
Hungarian | beszéd |
Italian | discorso |
Latvian | runa |
Polish | przemówienie |
Portuguese | discurso |
Slovenian | govor |
Spanish | discurso |
Swedish | tal |
takspira Swedish | |
English | pinnacle |
tus primos Spanish | |
Swedish | dina kusiner |
the copper English | |
Swedish | kopparen |
the spark plug English | |
Swedish | tändstiftet |
the zebra English | |
Swedish | zebran |
the superbowl English | |
Swedish | finalen i den amerikanska fotbollsligan |
the supporter English | |
Swedish | supportern |
tax payer English | |
Swedish | skattebetalare |
tejpor Hungarian | |
Czech | sušené mléko |
Danish | mælkepulver |
Dutch | melkpoeder |
English | powdered milk |
Finnish | maitojauhe |
French | lait en poudre |
German | Milchpulver |
Greek | γάλα σε σκόvη |
Italian | latte in polvere |
Latvian | piena pulveris |
Polish | mleko w proszku |
Portuguese | leite em pó |
Slovenian | mleko v prahu |
Spanish | leche en polvo |
Swedish | mjölkpulver |
tejipar Hungarian | |
Czech | mlékárenský průmysl |
Danish | mejeriindustri |
Dutch | zuivelindustrie |
English | dairy industry |
Finnish | meijeriteollisuus |
French | industrie laitière |
German | Milchindustrie |
Greek | γαλακτoβιoμηχαvία |
Italian | industria lattiera |
Latvian | piena rūpniecība |
Polish | przemysł mleczarski |
Portuguese | indústria de lacticínios |
Slovenian | mlečna industrija |
Spanish | industria láctea |
Swedish | mejeriindustri |
tes parents French | |
Swedish | dina föräldrar |
thus far English | |
Swedish | hittills |
this person English | |
Swedish | den här personen |
tax free English | |
Swedish | tax free |
tax free Swedish | |
English | tax free |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.