the sum
Searched for the sum in the dictionary.
Swedish: summan
the sum English | |
Swedish | summan |
the son English | |
Swedish | sonen |
the sami English | |
Swedish | samerna |
the same English | |
Czech | stejný |
German | dasselbe |
Swedish | densamme, lika, samma, samma sak, likadan |
the game English | |
Swedish | matchen |
the snow English | |
Swedish | snön |
the Sami English | |
Swedish | samerna |
the gnu English | |
Swedish | gnun |
the knee English | |
Swedish | knät |
the Queen English | |
Swedish | drottningen |
the chin English | |
Swedish | hakan |
toy gun Swedish | |
English | leksakspistol |
the comma English | |
Swedish | kommatecknet |
tacksam Swedish | |
English | grateful, thankful |
toy gun English | |
Swedish | leksakspistol |
tusen Swedish | |
Czech | tisíc |
English | thousand, one thousand, a thousand |
French | mille |
German | tausend |
Italian | mille |
Latin | mille |
Croatian | tìsuća |
Slovenian | tisoč |
Spanish | mil |
Turkish | bin |
techno English | |
Swedish | tekno |
thicken English | |
Swedish | avreda |
take in English | |
Swedish | fatta, hysa, förstå |
tug on English | |
Swedish | dra i, rycka i |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.