the village
Searched for the village in the dictionary.
Swedish: byn
the village English | |
Swedish | byn |
the flag English | |
Swedish | flaggan |
the place English | |
Swedish | platsen |
the village road English | |
Swedish | byvägen |
the bell goes English | |
Swedish | klockan ringer, det ringer |
the Plough English | |
Swedish | Karlavagnen |
the police English | |
Swedish | polisen |
the balcony English | |
Swedish | balkongen |
the Pools English | |
Swedish | tipset |
the plaster English | |
Swedish | gipset |
the pilgrims English | |
Swedish | pilgrimerna |
tú hablas Spanish | |
Swedish | du pratar, du talar |
tu hablas Spanish | |
Swedish | du talar |
åt vilken Swedish | |
Latin | cui |
top bloke English | |
Swedish | toppenkille |
to plough English | |
Swedish | att plöja, att ploga |
the full stop English | |
Swedish | punkten |
the plastic English | |
Swedish | plasten |
tehoviljely Finnish | |
Czech | intenzivní hospodářství |
Danish | intensivt landbrug |
Dutch | intensieve landbouw |
English | intensive farming |
French | agriculture intensive |
German | intensive Landwirtschaft |
Greek | εvτατική γεωργία |
Hungarian | belterjes gazdálkodás |
Italian | agricoltura intensiva |
Latvian | intensīvā zemkopība |
Polish | rolnictwo intensywne |
Portuguese | agricultura intensiva |
Slovenian | intenzivno kmetijstvo |
Spanish | agricultura intensiva |
Swedish | intensivt jordbruk |