the wallet
Searched for the wallet in the dictionary.
Swedish: plånboken
the wallet English | |
Swedish | plånboken |
the lot English | |
Swedish | alltihop |
the wild English | |
Swedish | naturen, vildmarken |
talet Swedish | |
French | la parole |
German | die Rede, das Sprechen |
talat Swedish | |
English | spoken |
German | gesprochen |
50-talet Swedish | |
English | the fifties |
te olette Finnish | |
Swedish | ni är |
tullit Finnish | |
Czech | cla |
Danish | toldafgifter |
Dutch | douanerechten |
English | customs duties |
French | droits de douane |
German | Zollsatz |
Greek | δασμός |
Hungarian | vámtétel |
Italian | dazi doganali |
Latvian | muitas nodokļi |
Polish | opłata celna |
Portuguese | direitos aduaneiros |
Slovenian | carinske dajatve |
Spanish | derechos de aduana |
Swedish | tullar |
too late English | |
Swedish | för sent |
tiolet English | |
Swedish | toalettstol |
tailed English | |
Swedish | med svans |
toilet English | |
German | Toilette |
Swedish | toalett, toalettstol, toa, dass, toalettrum |
...-talet Swedish | |
French | les années ... |
20-talet Swedish | |
English | the twenties |
60-talet Swedish | |
English | the 60s |
700-talet Swedish | |
English | 8th century A.D, 8th century A.D. |
toalett Swedish | |
English | bathroom, toilet, washroom, lavatory, sanitary relief, restroom, loo |
French | toilettes, w-c |
Italian | bagno |
Russian | туалет |
Spanish | servicio, el aseo, baño, quarto de baño |
tillit Swedish | |
English | reliance, confidence, trust, faith |
1950-talet Swedish | |
English | the 1950's |
ítélet Hungarian | |
Czech | rozsudek |
Danish | dom |
Dutch | vonnis |
English | ruling |
Finnish | tuomioistuimen ratkaisu |
French | jugement |
German | Urteil |
Greek | απόφαση δικαστηρίoυ |
Italian | giudizio |
Latvian | nolēmums |
Polish | wyrok |
Portuguese | julgamento |
Slovenian | sodna odločba |
Spanish | sentencia |
Swedish | dom |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.