the zodiac
Searched for the zodiac in the dictionary.
Swedish: zodiaken, djurkretsen
the zodiac English | |
Swedish | zodiaken, djurkretsen |
the steak English | |
Swedish | steken |
the judge English | |
Swedish | domaren |
the Scots English | |
Swedish | skottarna |
the stocking English | |
Swedish | damstrumpan |
these days English | |
Swedish | dessa tider, nuförtiden, nu för tiden |
te quedas Spanish | |
Swedish | du stannar kvar |
te quitas Spanish | |
Swedish | du tar av dig |
tisdag Swedish | |
Danish | tirsdag |
Dutch | dinsdag |
English | Tuesday, tuesday |
Finnish | tiistai |
French | mardi |
German | Dienstag |
Italian | martedì |
Japanese | 火 |
Russian | вторник |
Croatian | utorak, ùtorak |
Slovenian | torek |
Spanish | martes |
the jet set English | |
Swedish | innegänget |
testis Latin | |
Swedish | testikel |
testo sacro Italian | |
Czech | svatý text |
Danish | hellig skrift |
Dutch | heilige boeken |
English | sacred text |
Finnish | pyhät kirjat |
French | texte sacré |
German | Heilige Schrift |
Greek | ιερό βιβλίo |
Hungarian | szentírás |
Latvian | sakrālais teksts |
Polish | księga święta |
Portuguese | texto sagrado |
Slovenian | sveti spisi |
Spanish | texto sagrado |
Swedish | helig skrift |
the suitcase English | |
Swedish | resväskan |
take this English | |
Swedish | stå ut med det här |
two cities English | |
Swedish | två städer |
testis English | |
Czech | varlata |
Swedish | testikel |
testiklar Swedish | |
English | testes |
tactician English | |
Swedish | taktiker |
the kitchen English | |
Swedish | köket |
tokidoki Japanese | |
Swedish | ibland |