Searched for throwaways in the dictionary.
Swedish: engångsartiklar
throwaways English | |
Swedish | engångsartiklar |
throws English | |
Spanish | tira |
Swedish | kastar |
there was English | |
Swedish | det fanns, där fanns |
trays English | |
Swedish | brickor |
trasa Swedish | |
English | rag, cloth, tatter, dish-cloth, grooming towel |
Spanish | bayeta |
thrash English | |
Swedish | klå, slå omkring sig |
theories English | |
Swedish | teorier |
the works English | |
Swedish | rubbet |
tras Spanish | |
Swedish | efter att, bakom |
terraza Spanish | |
Swedish | terrass |
toros Spanish | |
Swedish | tjurar |
traes Spanish | |
Swedish | du bär |
traéis Spanish | |
Swedish | ni bär |
trois French | |
German | drei |
Swedish | tre, 3 |
thorax Latin | |
Swedish | bröstkorg |
tross Estonian | |
English | cable |
thorax English | |
Swedish | bröstkorg, mellankropp |
tross Norwegian | |
German | trotz |
through Swedish | |
English | genom |
tross Swedish | |
English | hawser |
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