Searched for thymus in the dictionary.
Swedish: brässen
thymus English | |
Swedish | bräss |
thymus Latin | |
Swedish | brässen |
themes English | |
Swedish | teman |
times English | |
Danish | gange |
Swedish | gånger |
teams English | |
Swedish | lag |
tomas Spanish | |
Swedish | du tar |
things English | |
Swedish | saker, saker och ting |
thanks English | |
German | bedankt, dank, Danke, danke |
Croatian | hvala |
Swedish | tack |
thinks English | |
Spanish | piensa |
Swedish | tycker, tänker |
tanks English | |
German | Panzers |
twines English | |
Swedish | slingrar sig |
teneis Spanish | |
Swedish | ni har |
tongue English | |
German | Zunge |
Spanish | lengua |
Swedish | tunga, kläpp |
the mess English | |
Swedish | oredan |
the mouse English | |
Swedish | musen |
thank English | |
Chinese | 谢 |
Swedish | tacka |
thong English | |
Swedish | läderrem, stringtrosa |
tienes Spanish | |
Swedish | du har, har du |
tea mug English | |
Swedish | tekopp |
tennis English | |
German | Tennis |
Swedish | tennis |
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