Searched for tiedustelu in the dictionary.
German: Anfrage
tiedustelu Finnish | |
German | Anfrage |
tiedustella Finnish | |
English | inquire |
tiedosto Finnish | |
German | Datei |
tietysti Finnish | |
German | natürlich, selbstverständlich |
todiste Finnish | |
Czech | důkaz |
Danish | bevis |
Dutch | bewijs |
English | proof |
French | preuve |
German | Rechtsbeweis |
Greek | απόδειξη |
Hungarian | bizonyíték |
Italian | prova |
Latvian | pierādīšana |
Polish | dowód |
Portuguese | prova |
Slovenian | dokaz |
Spanish | prueba |
Swedish | bevis |
tidigt Swedish | |
English | early, early hours |
French | tôt, de bonne heure |
German | früh |
Italian | presto |
Japanese | はやく, はやい |
Latin | mane |
Croatian | ràno |
Slovenian | zgodaj |
Spanish | temprano |
toadstool English | |
Swedish | oätlig svamp, flugsvamp |
todistus Finnish | |
Czech | výslech svědka |
Danish | vidneudsagn |
Dutch | getuigenis |
English | evidence |
French | témoignage |
German | Zeugenaussage |
Greek | μαρτυρία |
Hungarian | tanúvallomás |
Italian | testimonianza |
Latvian | pierādījums |
Polish | świadek |
Portuguese | testemunho |
Slovenian | pričanje |
Spanish | testimonio |
Swedish | vittnesmål |
tutustua Finnish | |
German | kennen lernen |
todistaja Finnish | |
English | witness |
the doctor English | |
Swedish | läkaren |
the distrust English | |
Swedish | misstänksamheten |
the daughter English | |
Swedish | dottern |
that stuff English | |
Swedish | det där |
the hottest English | |
Swedish | hetast |
tiedustelupalvelu Finnish | |
Czech | tajná služba |
Danish | efterretningsvæsen |
Dutch | geheime dienst |
English | secret service |
French | service secret |
German | Geheimdienst |
Greek | μυστική υπηρεσία |
Hungarian | titkosszolgálat |
Italian | servizio segreto |
Latvian | izlūkdienests |
Polish | tajne służby |
Portuguese | serviço secreto |
Slovenian | tajna služba |
Spanish | servicio secreto |
Swedish | underrättelsetjänst |