Searched for toimivaltaristiriita in the dictionary.
English: conflict of powers, German: politischer Kompetenzstreit, French: conflit de compétences, Spanish: conflicto de competencias, Italian: conflitto di poteri
toimivaltaristiriita Finnish | |
Czech | kompetenční spor |
Danish | kompetencestrid |
Dutch | machtsconflict |
English | conflict of powers |
French | conflit de compétences |
German | politischer Kompetenzstreit |
Greek | σύγκρoυση αρμoδιoτήτωv |
Hungarian | hatásköri összeütközés |
Italian | conflitto di poteri |
Latvian | pilnvaru konflikts |
Polish | konflikt władzy |
Portuguese | conflito de poderes |
Slovenian | spor o pristojnosti oblasti |
Spanish | conflicto de competencias |
Swedish | behörighetskonflikt |
toimivallan siirto Finnish | |
Czech | přenos příslušnosti |
Danish | overførsel af kompetence |
Dutch | bevoegdheidsoverdracht |
English | transfer of competence |
French | transfert de compétence |
German | Kompetenzübertragung |
Greek | μεταφoρά αρμoδιότητας |
Hungarian | hatáskör-átruházás |
Italian | trasferimento di competenze |
Latvian | kompetences nodošana |
Polish | przekazywanie kompetencji |
Portuguese | transferência de competências |
Slovenian | prenos pristojnosti |
Spanish | traspaso de competencias |
Swedish | överföring av behörighet |