Searched for trepidation in the dictionary.
Swedish: skälvning, stor oro, ångest, förskräckelse
trepidation English | |
Swedish | skälvning, stor oro, ångest, förskräckelse |
trebati Croatian | |
German | sollen, brauchen |
tròvati Croatian | |
Swedish | förgifta |
trapdoor English | |
Swedish | fallucka |
trebate Croatian | |
German | sollt, braucht |
trap door English | |
Swedish | fallucka |
trap-door English | |
Swedish | fallucka |
terapeutika Hungarian | |
Czech | léčba |
Danish | terapi |
Dutch | geneeswijze |
English | therapeutics |
Finnish | hoito |
French | thérapeutique |
German | Therapeutik |
Greek | θεραπευτική |
Italian | terapeutica |
Latvian | terapija |
Polish | leczenie |
Portuguese | terapêutica |
Slovenian | terapija |
Spanish | terapéutica |
Swedish | terapi |
terapêutica Portuguese | |
Czech | léčba |
Danish | terapi |
Dutch | geneeswijze |
English | therapeutics |
Finnish | hoito |
French | thérapeutique |
German | Therapeutik |
Greek | θεραπευτική |
Hungarian | terapeutika |
Italian | terapeutica |
Latvian | terapija |
Polish | leczenie |
Slovenian | terapija |
Spanish | terapéutica |
Swedish | terapi |
trop tard French | |
Swedish | för sent |
trop de French | |
Swedish | alltför många, för mycket |
terapeutica Italian | |
Czech | léčba |
Danish | terapi |
Dutch | geneeswijze |
English | therapeutics |
Finnish | hoito |
French | thérapeutique |
German | Therapeutik |
Greek | θεραπευτική |
Hungarian | terapeutika |
Latvian | terapija |
Polish | leczenie |
Portuguese | terapêutica |
Slovenian | terapija |
Spanish | terapéutica |
Swedish | terapi |
trifft German | |
Swedish | träffar |
terapéutica Spanish | |
Czech | léčba |
Danish | terapi |
Dutch | geneeswijze |
English | therapeutics |
Finnish | hoito |
French | thérapeutique |
German | Therapeutik |
Greek | θεραπευτική |
Hungarian | terapeutika |
Italian | terapeutica |
Latvian | terapija |
Polish | leczenie |
Portuguese | terapêutica |
Slovenian | terapija |
Swedish | terapi |
tribut Swedish | |
English | tribute |
Swedish | bidrag |
tributes English | |
Swedish | hyllingar |
trefot Swedish | |
English | tripod |
tripod English | |
German | Dreifuß |
Swedish | stativ, trefot |
torpid English | |
Swedish | domnad, stel |
tributary English | |
Swedish | bidragande, biflod, skattskyldig |
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