Searched for trollbunden in the dictionary.
English: spellbound
trollbunden Swedish | |
English | spellbound |
trollbinda Swedish | |
English | thrall, enthral, enthrall |
trollbindande Swedish | |
English | enthralling |
trollformel Swedish | |
English | charm, incantation |
trollbok Swedish | |
English | grimoire |
trolla fram Swedish | |
English | conjure |
trolovning Swedish | |
English | betrothal |
trollformler Swedish | |
English | spells |
trollpacka Swedish | |
Spanish | bruja |
trolley-bus English | |
Swedish | trådbuss |
trollop English | |
Swedish | slampa |
Trollflöjten Swedish | |
English | The Magic Flute |
trolova Swedish | |
English | betroth |
trolova sig Swedish | |
English | become betrothed |
trilla av Swedish | |
English | fall of, fall off |