Searched for tum in the dictionary.
English: inches, inch, in=inch, Swedish: då, vid den tiden, därpå, senare, därefter
tum Latin | |
Swedish | då, vid den tiden, därpå, senare, därefter |
tum Swedish | |
English | inches, inch, in=inch |
tam Czech | |
English | there |
tam Latin | |
German | so |
Swedish | så |
tom Norwegian | |
German | leer |
tun German | |
English | do |
Latin | facere |
Norwegian | gjøre |
Portuguese | fazer |
Russian | делать |
Swedish | göra |
tom Swedish | |
Bosnian | prazan |
English | blank, stark, empty, vacant, barren, void, plain |
Finnish | tyhjä |
French | creux, vide, creuse |
German | leer, abgegriffen |
Spanish | blanco, blanca |
tam Swedish | |
English | tame |
tam Slovenian | |
Swedish | där |
tin English | |
Czech | cín |
Danish | tin |
Dutch | tin |
Finnish | tina |
French | étain |
German | Zinn |
Greek | κασσίτερoς |
Hungarian | ón |
Italian | stagno |
Latvian | alva |
Polish | cyna |
Portuguese | estanho |
Slovenian | kositer |
Spanish | estaño |
Swedish | kärl, form, plåt, konservburk, bleckburk, burk, tenn, bakform, låda |
team English | |
Finnish | joukkue |
Swedish | par, spann, lag, arbetslag, grupp, par av hästar |
ten English | |
Finnish | kymmenen |
German | zehn |
Norwegian | ti |
Swedish | tio |
ton English | |
German | tonne |
Swedish | ton |
time English | |
German | Zeit, zeitlich, Zeitpunkt |
Russian | время |
Croatian | vrijeme |
Spanish | la hora |
Swedish | tid, gång, takt, tempo, tidpunkt, dags |
tune English | |
Swedish | melodi, låt, stämma eller melodi, ställa in |
tin Dutch | |
Czech | cín |
Danish | tin |
English | tin |
Finnish | tina |
French | étain |
German | Zinn |
Greek | κασσίτερoς |
Hungarian | ón |
Italian | stagno |
Latvian | alva |
Polish | cyna |
Portuguese | estanho |
Slovenian | kositer |
Spanish | estaño |
Swedish | tenn |
tema Estonian | |
English | she |
tamo Croatian | |
German | dort |
tome English | |
Swedish | stor bok |
teem English | |
Swedish | myllra, vimla |
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