Searched for työterveys in the dictionary.
English: occupational health, German: Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz, French: santé au travail, Spanish: sanidad laboral, Italian: sanità del lavoro, Greek: υγεία κατά τηv εργασία
työterveys Finnish | |
Czech | zdraví na pracovišti |
Danish | sundhed på arbejdspladsen |
Dutch | gezondheid op het werk |
English | occupational health |
French | santé au travail |
German | Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz |
Greek | υγεία κατά τηv εργασία |
Hungarian | munkahelyi egészségvédelem |
Italian | sanità del lavoro |
Latvian | arodveselība |
Polish | higiena pracy |
Portuguese | saúde e higiene no trabalho |
Slovenian | zdravje pri delu |
Spanish | sanidad laboral |
Swedish | hälsa på arbetsplatsen |
tyder på Swedish | |
English | signifies |
teaterverket Swedish | |
Spanish | la obra de teatro |
teaterpjäs Swedish | |
English | play |
French | pièce de théâtre |
to travel English | |
Swedish | att resa |