un petit sac

Searched for un petit sac in the dictionary.
Swedish: en liten väska

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

un petit sac French

Swedishen liten väska

un patata Spanish

Swedishen potatis

una patata Spanish

Swedishen potatis

un petit village French

Swedishen liten by

une petite amie French

Swedishen flickvän

un patois French


un petit morceau French

Swedishen liten bit

un petit frère French

Swedishen lillebror

un peu trop French

Swedishlite för mycket

unfettered English


un habitante Spanish

Swedishen invånare

un batido Spanish

Swedishen milkshake

un hôpital French

Swedishett sjukhus

un bateau French

Swedishen båt

un peu de sucre French

Swedishlite socker