värd att se

Searched for värd att se in the dictionary.
English: worth seeing

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

värd att se Swedish

Englishworth seeing

värddator Swedish

Czechpřímá datová služba
Englishhost computer, on line data service
Frenchcentre serveur
Greekυπoλoγιστής κεvτρικής υπoστήριξης
Hungarianonline adatszolgáltatás
Italiancentro ospite di banche dati
Latvianlīnijdatu pakalpojums
Polishdystrybutor baz danych
Portuguesecentro distribuidor de bases de dados
Sloveniancentralni podatkovni strežnik
Spanishcentro distribuidor de bases de datos

värd att göra Swedish


värdet Swedish

Germander Wert

värd att vårda Swedish

Englishworth caring about

vårdad Swedish

Englishtrim, neat

värdedrivna Swedish


värd att tala om Swedish

Englishworth your while

vara ett hot Swedish

Englishpose a threat

värdetullar Swedish

Frenchdroits ad valorem

värd att belönas Swedish

Spanishbenemérito, benemérita