
Searched for världsbefolkning in the dictionary.
English: world population, German: Weltbevölkerung, French: population mondiale, Spanish: población mundial, Italian: popolazione mondiale, Greek: παγκόσμιoς πληθυσμός

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

världsbefolkning Swedish

Czechsvětová populace
Danishverdens befolkning
Englishworld population
Finnishmaailman väestö
Frenchpopulation mondiale
Greekπαγκόσμιoς πληθυσμός
Hungariana világ népessége
Italianpopolazione mondiale
Latvianpasaules iedzīvotāji
Polishludność świata
Portuguesepopulação mundial
Sloveniansvetovno prebivalstvo
Spanishpoblación mundial

världslig Swedish

Englishwordly, worldly, mundane

världskrig Swedish

Englishworld-war, world war

världsbanken Swedish

Englishthe world bank