valsts amatpersonas pienākumi

Searched for valsts amatpersonas pienākumi in the dictionary.

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

valsts amatpersonas pienākumi Latvian

Czechveřejný úřad
Danishoffentligt hverv
Dutchopenbaar ambt
Englishpublic office
Finnishjulkinen asema
Frenchcharge publique
Germanöffentliches Amt
Greekδημόσιo αξίωμα
Italiancarica pubblica
Polishurząd publiczny
Portuguesecargo público
Slovenianjavni urad
Spanishcargo público
Swedishoffentligt ämbete