vara törstig

Searched for vara törstig in the dictionary.
French: avoir soif, Spanish: tener sed, Lule Sami: gåjkkåt

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

vara törstig Swedish

Frenchavoir soif
Lule Samigåjkkåt
Spanishtener sed

vara trolig Swedish

Englishbe on the cards

vara trött Swedish

Englishbe tired
Frenchêtre fatigué, en avoir marre
Germanmüde sein
Spanishestar cansado, estar cansada, tener sueño, tener sueno

väre tørst Norwegian

GermanDurst haben

vara trött på Swedish

Danishvære ked af
Englishbe fed up with, get sick and tired of
Frenchen avoir assez de, en avoir marre, en avoir assez

vara drygt Swedish

Englishbe well into