varm choklad

Searched for varm choklad in the dictionary.
English: hot chocolate, hot cocoa, French: cocolat chaud, Italian: cioccolata calda

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

varm choklad Swedish

Englishhot chocolate, hot cocoa
Frenchcocolat chaud
Italiancioccolata calda

varm macka Swedish


varm källa Swedish

Englishhot spring

vara noga Swedish

Englishdot all the i's and cross all the t's

varm korv Swedish

Englishhot dog, hot-dog, hot dogs

varm och skön Swedish

Englishnice and warm

varmhjärtad Swedish


varm korv English

Swedishhot dog

vara nog Swedish


varmkorv Swedish

Englishhot dogs, hot dog
Germandas Würstchen

vara oense Swedish


vara möjlig Swedish

Englishbe possible
Frenchêtre possible
Germanmöglich sein

varmkorven Swedish

Germandas Würstchen

vernacular English

Swedishlokal dialekt

varnished English

Swedishförnissad, lackad, förskönad, påbättrad

vermachen German
