varovani gozd

Searched for varovani gozd in the dictionary.
English: classified forest, German: geschützter Wald, French: forêt classée, Spanish: monte protegido, Italian: foresta protetta, Greek: διατηρητέo δάσoς

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

varovani gozd Slovenian

Czechroztříděný les
Dutchbeschermd bos
Englishclassified forest
Frenchforêt classée
Germangeschützter Wald
Greekδιατηρητέo δάσoς
Hungarianvédett erdő
Italianforesta protetta
Latvianklasificēts mežs
Polishlas chroniony
Portuguesereserva florestal
Spanishmonte protegido

vara van vid Swedish

Englishbe accustomed to
Frenchavoir l'habitude de

varvning Swedish

Englishhome run

varva ner Swedish

Englishmellow out