
Searched for voldshandling in the dictionary.
English: physical aggression, German: Angriff auf Leib und Leben, French: agression physique, Spanish: agresión física, Italian: aggressione fisica, Greek: σωματική επίθεση

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

voldshandling Danish

Czechfyzické násilí
Dutchlichamelijk geweld
Englishphysical aggression
Finnishfyysinen väkivalta
Frenchagression physique
GermanAngriff auf Leib und Leben
Greekσωματική επίθεση
Hungarianfizikai támadás
Italianaggressione fisica
Polishagresja fizyczna
Portugueseagressão física
Sloveniannapad na življenje ali telo
Spanishagresión física

vild galning Swedish


vildsvin Swedish

Englishwild boar, boar, a boar

vildsint Swedish

Englishsavage, ferocious, fierce
Spanishbravía, bravío, bravo, brava