Searched for vorherig in the dictionary.
English: previous
vorherig German | |
English | previous |
Vorhersage German | |
English | prognosis |
vorhersagen German | |
English | predict |
vara arg Swedish | |
English | fume, be angry |
French | être en colère |
German | böse sein |
vorhersehen German | |
English | anticipate |
vorhergehend German | |
English | anterior |
Vorhersehung German | |
Spanish | providencia |
verorikos Finnish | |
Czech | daňový trestný čin |
Danish | overtrædelse af fiskale bestemmelser |
Dutch | fiscaal delict |
English | tax offence |
French | délit fiscal |
German | Steuerstraftat |
Greek | φoρoλoγικό έγκλημα |
Hungarian | adóbűncselekmény |
Italian | reato tributario |
Latvian | nodarījums nodokļu jomā |
Polish | wykroczenie podatkowe |
Portuguese | direito penal fiscal |
Slovenian | davčno kaznivo dejanje |
Spanish | delito fiscal |
Swedish | skattebrott |