vous perdez

Searched for vous perdez in the dictionary.
Swedish: ni förlorar

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

vous perdez French

Swedishni förlorar

vous parlez French

Swedishni pratar, ni talar

vous prenez French

Swedishni tar

vouz parlez French

Swedishni talar

vous parliez French

Swedishni talade

vous parleriez French

Swedishni skulle tala

vous prétendez French

Swedishni påstår

vi sover Swedish

Germanwir schlafen

vi spyr Swedish


vi sprang Swedish

Frenchnous avons couru

vociferous English


vociferate English


vice versa English
