Searched for wagt in the dictionary.
English: dares
wagt German | |
English | dares |
waste English | |
Czech | odpad |
Danish | affald |
Dutch | afval |
Finnish | jätteet |
French | déchet |
German | Öde, vergeuden, verschwenden, Abfall |
Greek | απόβλητα |
Hungarian | hulladék |
Italian | rifiuti |
Latvian | atkritumi |
Polish | odpady |
Portuguese | resíduo |
Slovenian | odpadki |
Spanish | residuo |
Swedish | kasta bort, ödsla, slöseri, slösa, förstöra, avfall, öda, ödelägga, slösa bort, slösa med, skräp |
west English | |
Danish | vest |
German | am Westen, West, Westen |
Russian | запад |
Swedish | väster, västerut, väst |
waist English | |
Czech | pas |
German | Taille |
Spanish | cintura |
Swedish | midja |
wisst German | |
Croatian | znate |
West German | |
English | west |
weight English | |
German | Gewicht, Last, Stellenwert, Wucht |
Swedish | väga, belastning, lod, tyngd, vikt |
waxed English | |
Spanish | encerado |
Swedish | vaxad |
weisst German | |
Croatian | znaš |
was hit English | |
Swedish | träffades |
Wucht German | |
English | weight |
Weste German | |
English | vest, waistcoat, waistcoats |
wo ist German | |
Swedish | var är |
wusste German | |
Swedish | visste |
was set English | |
Swedish | satt fast |
washed English | |
German | gewaschen, wusch |
Swedish | tvättad, tvättade |
weighty English | |
German | gewichtig |
Swedish | tung |
wicket English | |
Swedish | kricketgrind, grind |
washout English | |
Swedish | fiasko |
wished English | |
Swedish | önskade |
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