watch telly

Searched for watch telly in the dictionary.
Swedish: tittar på TV

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

watch telly English

Swedishtittar på TV

watch out English

Germanwacht aus
Swedishse upp, passa sig, vara på sin vakt

watched English

Swedishiakttog, tittade, tittade på, passade, vaktade

watch-tower English


watch TV English

Swedishse på TV, titta på TV

Watch out! English

SwedishSe upp!

watch out for English

Swedishse upp för, akta dig för

watchout English

Swedishhålla utkik

watchdog English


watch television English

Swedishtitta på TV, se på TV

withstand English

Swedishmotstå, uthärda, stå emot

wettekst Dutch

Czechformulace zákona
Danishaffattelse af lovtekster
Englishlegislative drafting
Frenchrédaction législative
Greekσύvταξη voμoθετικώv κειμέvωv
Italianformulazione legislativa
Latviantiesību aktu izstrāde
Polishtechnika prawodawcza
Portugueseredacção legislativa
Slovenianpriprava zakonodaje
Spanishredacción legislativa
Swedishutarbetande av lagar