Searched for water-lily in the dictionary.
Swedish: näckros
water-lily English | |
Swedish | näckros |
waterline English | |
Swedish | vattenlinje |
water-lilies English | |
Swedish | näckrosor |
waterhole English | |
German | Wasserloch |
Swedish | vattenhål |
waterless English | |
German | wasserlos |
water hole English | |
Swedish | vattenhål |
waterloop Dutch | |
Czech | vodní tok |
Danish | vandløb |
English | watercourse |
Finnish | vesistö |
French | cours d'eau |
German | Wasserlauf |
Greek | υδάτιvo ρεύμα |
Hungarian | vízfolyás |
Italian | corso d'acqua |
Latvian | ūdenstece |
Polish | ciek wodny |
Portuguese | curso de água |
Slovenian | vodotok |
Spanish | curso de agua |
Swedish | vattendrag |
waterholes English | |
German | Wasserlöcher |
widerlich German | |
Swedish | vidrig, vedervärdig, motbjudande |
with relief English | |
Swedish | av lättnad, med lättnad |
waterlogged English | |
Swedish | vattenfylld |
widerwillig German | |
Swedish | motvillig, motvilligt |
weiterhelfen German | |
Swedish | hjälpa vidare |
Widerwille German | |
Spanish | repugnancia |